Thursday, September 16, 2010

OK, 10 things I like about me...

Fair is fair.  So as not to be too self deprecating, and start the day on a better note, I've tried to come up with 10 things I like about me:

1.  Being an almost 6' redhead was a horrible thing at the age of 13, it has worked to my benefit as an adult. 

2.  I look good in heels.  High heels.  The "fuck me" high heels.  The kind that easily put me over the 6' mark.

3.  Although I weigh 10 lbs more than I did 15 years ago, it's all the right places.

4.  I'm intellectual, although sometimes I'll play along and make you think that I don't enjoy reading because there are too many words.

5.  I'm a nerd in every since of the word, have studied butterflies in Belize, excavated a mammoth, can fly-fish, know most of the summer constellations, and am an avid fan of almost every type of science. 

6.  I have 3 college degrees, all by the age of 28. 

7.  I'm a great mom.

8.  I'm a workaholic, but in a good way.

9.  I can play 3 musical instruments.

10.  I'm an empath - to the point where it could end up on my previous list.

11. My graduate school roommate told me I "oozed sensuality".  OK, I think she had a crush on me, but still...

OK, so I added an extra one.  But shouldn't you have more things that you like about yourself than you hate?

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